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Welcome to Education Revolution

Welcome to Education Revolution! This unique business was designed to provide all students, especially those on non-traditional education paths, with high-quality educational experiences. We do this by providing services including creative classes, consultation, evaluation, unique curriculum for students--no matter where they are located. We also a private school for homeschoolers in Florida.

Highlighted Events and Happenings


I'm excited to be a speaker at this year's event! Join me for Homeschool Super Heroes this month. You’ll get FREE access to 50 veteran homeschoolers & 80+ sessions. It’s August 22-26, with one entire dedicated to organization & planning. Sign up for free right now, right here.


Grab your ticket

Yolanda I just want to thank you for all your hard work! Thank you for the many suggestions you have given me. I love how you suggested the audio book with a hard copy book. My daughter went through her first book reading by herself and she loved it. She wrote a small book report for the first time and asked for more! I'm really happy to see how she is turning around this year. Thank you!

Jackie V.

Assessment client, Umbrella School client

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